Filter Rooms


Filters the public rooms of your game in the Lobby server.

Maximum number of indexes of a room is 3.

Maximum page row count is 15.


// Creating a new indexData object
SWLobbyIndexData indexData = new SWLobbyIndexData();

// Adding a string typed index
// with name equals to "level" and 
// value equals to "hard"
indexData.AddIndex("level", "hard");

// Adding a int typed index
// with name equals to "rank" and
// value equals to 50
indexData.AddIndex("rank", 50);

// Using the indexData to create room
NetworkClient.Lobby.CreateRoom("new room", true, 4, indexData, (successful, reply, error) =>{
    if (successful){
        Debug.Log("Room created " + reply);
        Debug.Log("Failed to create room " + error);
// Creating a new filterData object
SWLobbyFilterData filterData = new SWLobbyFilterData();

// Adding a string typed filter
// with name equals to "level" and
// value equals to "hard"
filterData.AddFilter("level", "hard");

// Adding a int typed index
// with name equals to "rank" and
// value between 1 to 100
filterData.AddFilter("rank", 1, 100);

// Using the filterData to filter rooms
// 10 is the max number of return rooms
NetworkClient.Lobby.FilterRoom(filterData, 10, (okay, reply, error) =>{
    if (okay){
        Debug.Log("Filtered rooms " + reply);
        Debug.Log("Failed to Filtered rooms " + error);

Last updated