Winning the Game

5 - 10 minutes read

Tracking Bullets Owner

In the PlayerWeapon.cs script, update the FireBullet() and RemoteFire() methods to also send/receive playerId.

    void FireBullet()
        SWNetworkMessage msg = new SWNetworkMessage();
        remoteEventAgent.Invoke("fire", msg);

    public void RemoteFire(SWNetworkMessage msg)
        Vector3 position = msg.PopVector3();
        Vector3 direction = msg.PopVector3();
        string ownerId = msg.PopUTF8ShortString();
        gun.fireBullet(position, direction, ownerId);

Add a property to the Bullet.cs script to track its owner.

public string ownerId;

And update its OnCollisionEnter method to pass its ownerId to the PlayerHP object.

    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Player")
            PlayerHP ps = collision.gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerHP>();
            if (ps != null)
                ps.GotHit(damage, ownerId);

        foreach (ContactPoint contact in collision.contacts)
            Debug.Log( + " hit " +;
            Instantiate(explode, contact.point, Quaternion.identity);

Update the FireBullet() method of Gun.cs to assign bullet's owner.

    public void FireBullet(Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, string ownerId)
        GameObject bullet = Instantiate(bulletPrefab) as GameObject;

        Bullet b = bullet.GetComponent<Bullet>();
        b.ownerId = ownerId;

        bullet.transform.position = position;
        bullet.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = direction * bulletSpeed;


In the PlayerHP.cs script, update the GotHit() method to take the ownerId string parameter and call the PlayerScored() method of GameSceneManager.cs to update the player's score.

    public void GotHit(int damage, string ownerId)
        // Only the source GameObject can modify the "hp" SyncProperty.
        if (networkId.IsMine)
            currentHP = syncPropertyAgent.GetPropertyWithName("hp").GetIntValue();

            // Check if the player is already dead.
            if (currentHP == 0)

            Debug.Log("Got hit: bullet owner= " + ownerId);

            Debug.Log("Got hit: old currentHP= " + currentHP);

            if (currentHP > 0)
                currentHP = currentHP - damage;

                // if hp is lower than 0, set it to 0.
                if (currentHP < 0)
                    currentHP = 0;

                if (currentHP == 0)
                    // call the PlayerScored() method if player hp reached 0. 
                    // GameSceneManager will update the player's score.
                    GameSceneManager gameSceneManager = FindObjectOfType<GameSceneManager>();

            Debug.Log("Got hit: new currentHP= " + currentHP);

            // Apply damage and modify the "hp" SyncProperty.
            syncPropertyAgent.Modify("hp", currentHP);

Displaying Winner and GameOver Panel

In the GameSceneManager.cs script, add a method to handle the OnChanged Event for the "PlayerScores" SyncProperty.

We look for a score that is larger than 3 and display the Winner/GameOver panel accordingly.

public void OnPlayerScoresChanged()
    PlayerScores playerScores = roomPropertyAgent.GetPropertyWithName("PlayerScores").GetValue<PlayerScores>();

    if(playerScores != null && playerScores.scores != null)
        foreach (Score s in playerScores.scores)
            if(s.score >= 3)
                if (s.playerRemoteId == NetworkClient.Instance.PlayerRemoteId)

Exiting the Room

Update the Exit() method in the GameSceneManager.cs script to disconnect and leave the room.

DisconnectFromRoom() disconnects the player from the game servers. All the SWNetwork GamePlay components will stop working.

LeaveRoom() removes the player from its current room in the lobby.

    public void Exit()

    void HandleLeaveRoom(bool okay, SWLobbyError error)
        if (!okay)

        Debug.Log("Left room");

Test and Play

Now the game is complete. I hope you enjoyed the tutorial!

Congratulations! You have done the tutorial.

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