Player Respawn

3 - 5 minutes read

As the players shoot each other, their hp reaches 0 and stays at 0. You can add another Remote Event to trigger the player explosion death effect.

Player Explosion

Add another Remote Event and name it "killed".

In the PlayerHP.cs Script:

  1. Add a RemoteEventAgent property and initialize it in the Start() method.

  2. Update the OnHpChanged() method to invoke the "killed" remote event when hp is 0.

  3. Add RemoteKilled() method to handle the "killed" remote event.

 RemoteEventAgent remoteEventAgent;
   void Start()
        hpSlider.minValue = 0;
        hpSlider.maxValue = maxHp;

        networkId = GetComponent<NetworkID>();
        syncPropertyAgent = gameObject.GetComponent<SyncPropertyAgent>();
        remoteEventAgent = gameObject.GetComponent<RemoteEventAgent>();
    public void OnHpChanged()
        // Update the hpSlider when player hp changes
        currentHP = syncPropertyAgent.GetPropertyWithName("hp").GetIntValue();
        hpSlider.value = currentHP;

        if (currentHP == 0)
            // invoke the "killed" remote event when hp is 0. 
            if (networkId.IsMine)

    public void RemoteKilled()
        Instantiate(explode, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

Add event listener in the Editor Inspector.

Make sure you applied the changes to the Player Prefab

Respawning the Player

In the GameSceneManager.cs script, add the following methods to respawn the player.

public void DelayedRespawnPlayer()

IEnumerator RespawnPlayer(float delayTime)
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(delayTime);
    // Respawn the player at a random SpawnPoint
    int spawnPointIndex = Random.Range(0, 3);
    NetworkClient.Instance.LastSpawner.SpawnForPlayer(0, spawnPointIndex);

In the PlayerHP.cs script, update the RemoteKilled() method.

public void RemoteKilled()
        Instantiate(explode, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

        // Only the source player GameObject should be respawned. 
        // SceneSpawner will handle the remote duplicate creation for the respawned player.
        if (networkId.IsMine)
            GameSceneManager gameSceneManager = FindObjectOfType<GameSceneManager>();

            // Call the DelayedRespawnPlayer() method you just added to the GameSceneManager.cs script. 

            // Ask the SceneSpawner to destroy the gameObject. 
            // SceneSpawner will destroy the local Player and its remote duplicates.


You can follow the steps in section "Test and Play" to test out player respawn.

Last updated

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